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Chronobiologie meets slaap – voorjaarssymposium

oktober 2, 2024

Op 9 mei 2023 organiseert de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Slaap-Waak onderzoek (NSWO) een symposium: ‘Chronobiology meets sleep: from animal to human research’. Meer informatie hieronder in het Engels.


The symposium will take place Tuesday the 9th of May from 13:00- 18:00 PM. During the meeting the BioClock founders (Joke Meijer, Laura Kervezee) and other chronobiology researchers will provide a translational perspective on recent and upcoming developments in the field of chronobiology. There will be a panel discussion during which you can ask participating experts all your questions . After the symposium, there will be networking drinks! For the exact program of the meeting please see the attachment.   Attending the meeting is free and open for members and non-members (NOTE: from 13.00 to 14.00 the NSWO members meeting takes place which is just for NSWO members). The symposium will be organized in person and will take place in room SB11 of the Pieter de la Court Building of Leiden University (Wassenaarseweg 52, Leiden). Registration is mandatory to attend the symposium, so please register through the following registration link.

You can find the program here.

The NSWO also offers a Young Talent Fund, for which you can apply. With the Young Talent Fund the NSWO offers the opportunity to young researchers to present their own research at a conference, visit a foreign laboratory or attend a course focussed on sleep-wake research. The NSWO highly values supporting young researchers to gain such academic experiences in an early stage of their career as it will stimulate them to develop their knowledge in new ways, and build an (inter)national network of professionals. This year up to five grants will be made available with a maximum of 800 euro each. Find more information here.

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The BioClock Consortium is funded by the NWA-ORC programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO; project number 1292.19.077).