Who are we?
The coordinators of BioClock are Prof. Joke H. Meijer , professor of Neurophysiology and head of the Circadian Clocks group at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), and dr. Laura Kervezee, researcher at the LUMC. Jeroen van der Leijé is the project manager of BioClock
Cluster leaders
The BioClock consortium is organized in three clusters 1) BioClock & Society, 2) BioClock & Health care and 3) BioClock & Environment. The clusters are spear-headed by three early-career researchers as cluster leaders (Kervezee, Antypa, Spoelstra), supported by established researchers as vice-cluster leaders (Hut, Chaves, Vijver) and senior advisors (Kalsbeek, van der Horst, Meijer).
Cluster 1 (BioClock & Society)
Cluster 2 (BioClock & Health care)
Cluster 3 (BioClock & Environment)
Work package leaders & affiliated researchers

The BioClock Consortium is funded by the NWA-ORC programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO; project number 1292.19.077).