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Your biological clock wants to party early!

BioClock coordinator Joke Meijer, explained in RTL News, national tv news channel, that closing bars and restaurants early is a good idea for you biological clock. Due to the COVID rules, bars and restaurants need to close their doors at midnight. Therefore, many bars start their festivites earlier during the day. Joke Meijer explained that this could be a good thing for many people as they will be able to prioritize their sleep and to a lesser extent disrupt their biological...

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Recruitment of PhD students and postdocs has started

We are happy to announce that the recruitment of BioClock PhD students and postdocs has officially started. With the biological clock as common denominator, we will be looking for a wide variety of backgrounds: from ecology and biology to psychology and immunology. You can check out the available positions here [link to vacancy page]. Some projects have already published their vacancies, others will follow over the next few months. New positions will be advertised on the vacancy...

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A multi-million grant to keep the biological clock healthy

Dutch researchers are joining forces to conduct research together with a series of societal partners to keep the biological clock healthy in our modern 24-hour society. The BioClock consortium will receive a research grant of no less than 9.7 million euros for this. It is one of the projects that receive funding within the program of the Dutch National Research Agenda of the Dutch National Research Council (NWO), to which the public could submit their questions. Prof. Joke...

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