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BioClock on RTL national news

Light pollution is high in The Netherlands. Many areas are very lit, and this is affecting nature, including human health. How severe this is and what to do about it, is what BioClock focuses on. RTL, a Dutch news channel, made an item about light pollution and held an interview with professor Joke Meijer and dr. ir. Kamiel Spoelstra. You can view the news item (in Dutch) here (start from minute 15′).

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Eating at night?

Bionieuws (the magazing for biologists) reported on an interesting study for shift workers that regularly work at night: it matters when you eat. Researcher Matthew Brown and colleagues from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester investigated the effects of eating at night. This severely disturbed their rhythms but if they continued to eat during the day, their glucose metabolism remained healthy. These studies are important to reduce the risks for shift workers. The scientific article from...

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Laura designs an e-health intervention for students to sleep better

PhD candidate Laura Pape has recently started her BioClock project at the Leiden University (LU). She works on the design of an e-health intervention focusing on strengthening the biological clock and improving health. It ultimately aims to improve mental health of university students which is often poor. She is supervised by dr. Niki Antypa, professor Philip Spinhoven (LU), professor Annemieke van Straaten (VU) and dr. Sascha Struijs (VU). Below she introduces herself...

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The first researcher introduces herself!

Ayano Shiba is one of the first PhD BioClock candidates. She works at the Netherlands Institute of Neuroscience, under the supervision of Professor Andries Kalsbeek. She introduces herself and her project. Who are you? I am Ayano Shiba, a new PhD student in the laboratory of Professor Andries Kalsbeek at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience. I am from Japan and my hobbies are travelling, playing sports (jogging, basketball etc…) and making music. What is...

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BioClock on national radio!

In the night of November 22nd to 23rd, NPO Radio 1 made a long program about BioClock. Lighttherapy in depression, day and night rhythms on the IC, the importance of light and darkness for biodiversity, and a night hike through the animal facilities of Artis Royal ZOO. The science-radio program Focus spoke with different BioClock researchers on the importance of the project. You can listen to the episode here (in Dutch).

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A comic book about the clock

Laura Kervezee (coordinator of BioClock) has, together with Marijke Gordijn (Chrono@Work) and Eus van Someren (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience) translated a comic book named Enlighten your clock made by Coline Weinzaepflen en Manuel Spitchan. The book is freely accessible.

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Let it be dark!

On October 30th, the yearly event Night of the Night was organised. This event raises awareness for the importance of darkness. That darkness is essential for many animals, people often know. But that darkness is important for people, is less well known. The effects of light at night – light pollution – are one of the focus points of BioClock. Kamiel Spoelstra, BioClock researcher, explained in a large interview with NRC Handelsblad (dutch national newspaper) how light...

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