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Special issue Nutrients: Effects of healthy on Chronic Diseases

January 6, 2025

Dear Colleagues,

This Special Issue discusses the effects of healthy lifestyles, focusing on diet, sleep, and exercise, on Chronic Diseases.

Health is a topic which is both long investigated, but also constantly developing. Among all the factors affecting health, lifestyle is the most controllable and influential factor. A proper diet, moderate exercise, and adequate sleep are the three cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle. Diet has been recognized as a common and modifiable factor in many chronic diseases. Reasonable choice of food can improve people’s nutrition and health, so as to reduce or prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases. Regular exercise helps manage symptoms of chronic conditions and improves health, and aerobic exercise improves heart health and endurance and promotes weight loss. Strength training increases muscle strength and endurance, making it easier to perform daily activities and slowing the loss of muscle strength associated with disease. Sleep is an important physiological activity. With the rapid pace of modern life, people’s average sleep time is decreasing, and the rate of sleep disorders or insomnia is increasing day by day. Too little sleep, sleep disorders, or insomnia can lead to an increased incidence of major chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and dyslipidemia. So, developing and adhering to healthy habits and behaviors can effectively prevent and control chronic diseases.

An important factor that is often overlooked regarding a healthy lifestyle is the impact of circadian rhythms. The timing component is an important factor when studying the effect of diet, sleep, and exercise on health, and taking it into account in lifestyle interventions could lead to additional health benefits.

In this Special Issue of Nutrients, we welcome the submission of manuscripts that provide either original research or reviews on the current state of research.

Read more here: Nutrients | Special Issue : The Effects of Healthy Lifestyles on Chronic Diseases: Focusing on Diet, Sleep and Exercise (

Dr. InĂªs Chaves
Prof. Dr. Henrik Oster
Guest Editors

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The BioClock Consortium is funded by the NWA-ORC programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO; project number 1292.19.077).