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Bioclock Academy

What is the bioclock academy?

  • The BioClock Academy are monthly online seminars in which researchers in the field of chronobiology speak about a topic related to the biological clock, with a key focus to introduce basic concepts and understanding of biological rhythms. This includes topics within chronobiological fields of medicine, ecology, psychology and biomedical sciences.

  • When?

    Seminars take place every third Wednesday of the month, from 16:00-17:00 (GMT+1, Amsterdam). The 60 minute seminars (40 min. talk + 20 min. discussion) are free to join and take place via Zoom.

  • By who?

    Organized by the BioClock Academy Committee, with scientists from the consortium and around.

  • For whom?

    Our goal is to educate early career scientists who are new to the field of chronobiology. But, everyone is welcome to join!

  • How to attend?

Upcoming seminar

We are pleased to welcome Dr Hassan Dashti to present his talk, Chrononutrition for cardiometabolic health: opportunities for future research, at our BioClock Academy Series on February 19th.

Dr. Hassan Dashti is a leading researcher in the field of chrononutrition, investigating how the timing of food intake interacts with sleep and circadian rhythms to influence cardiometabolic health. He is an Assistant Professor at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, with a background in clinical nutrition, genetics, and computational biology.

Dr. Dashti completed his PhD at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, followed by postdoctoral research at the Center for Genomic Medicine at MGH, where he focused on the genetic determinants of sleep and circadian traits.


February 19, 2025

Dr Hassan S. Dashti

Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston

 ‘Chrononutrition for cardiometabolic health: opportunities for future research’

March 19, 2025

Prof. Mariana Astiz Cadenas

Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, Leioa (the metropolitan area of Bilbao, Spain)

‘Circadian system development and antenatal glucocorticoids’

April 16, 2025

Prof. Joanna Chiu

Department Entomology and Nematology, UC Davis

‘Molecular mechanisms regulating insect seasonal biology’

May 21, 2025

Dr Selma Masri

Center for Epigenetics and Metabolism, Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, UC Irvine

‘Circadian disruption and tumorigenesis’

(title subject to change)

June 18, 2025

Prof. Christine Merlin

Department of Biology, Texas A&M University

‘Biological clock in Monarch butterfly migration’

(title subject to change)

Past seminars

Seminar 19: Old clocks in modern times – Dr Stephan Michel

Dr. Stephan Michel is a neurophysiologist specializing in the neurobiology of circadian rhythms. His research focuses on the master circadian clock in the hypothalamus, which regulates physiological processes. Disturbances in this clock are linked to diseases like sleep disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic syndrome, and cancer. His goal is to restore function to compromised clocks, particularly in aging populations, using interventions.

Dr. Michel earned his PhD at the University of Frankfurt in 1989, studying neuronal coupling in scorpions’ circadian systems. He then worked at the University of Virginia on circadian modulation of ion channels. In 1994, he moved to the University of Leipzig, where he established his own research group. Afterward, he worked at UCLA on clock function in rodents. Since 2004, he has worked with Johanna Meijer’s group (now BioClock) on circadian clock synchronization and aging.

Dr. Stephan Michel recently retired, but he is eager to share his years of experience and knowledge in the field of circadian rhythms during this this ‘goodbye-lecture’.

Seminar 18: Comparative molecular chronobiology – Dr Andrew Beale

Andrew Beale is a research scientist with a strong interest in understanding why circadian rhythms are a feature in nearly all organisms and how they impact our daily lives. Andrew serves as a Public Outreach Fellow at the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR) and works as a Senior Investigator Scientist at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK. His current work investigates the cellular mechanisms of circadian rhythms in both nucleate and anucleate cells, aiming to uncover a post-transcriptional clock mechanism that may be fundamental to all life on earth.

With his passion for circadian rhythms, cellular and molecular biology, and a touch of evolutionary biology, Andrew contributes valuable insights into the mechanisms of biological rhythms and their implications for health and well-being.

Seminar 17: Chrono-immunology: how circadian rhythms shape immune responses – Dr Louise Ince

Dr. Louise Ince completed her BSc in Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychology, MRes in Integrative Biology and PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Manchester, UK. She performed her dissertation research on rhythmic glucocorticoid signaling & neutrophil migration to the lung after inflammatory challenge. She then studied the influence of biological rhythms upon adaptive immune function, including temporal variation in dendritic cell trafficking and modulation of vaccination efficacy.

Louise is a Research Scientist in the Fonken Lab, at the University of Texas at Austin, where she is using her expertise in rhythmic immunology to investigate how changes in neuroimmune rhythms contribute to cognitive decline in aging and dementia.

Seminar 16: Health Effects of Time-restricted Eating – Dr Emily Manoogian

Dr. Emily Manoogian is a postdoctoral researcher at the Salk Institute who studies the intricate interaction between our body’s biological rhythms and the timing of our daily habits. These internal rhythms interact with our daily behaviors of when and how much we sleep, eat, and exercise.

As the head of human research in Dr. Satchin Panda’s lab at Salk, Emily investigates how the timing of these behaviors relate to health.

Seminar 15: Cyanobacterial circadian rhythms in vivo and in vitro – Prof Susan golden

Prof Susan Golden received a B.A. (1978) in Biology from Mississippi University for Women and a Ph.D. (1983) in Genetics from the University of Missouri. After postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago, she joined the faculty of Biology at Texas A&M University (1986), where she was promoted to Distinguished Professor in 2003. She joined the Division of Biological Sciences at UCSD in 2008.

During her graduate work she developed genetic tools for the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus (PCC 7942), the first cyanobacterium shown to be subject to genetic transformation. This led to work on regulation of light-responsive photosynthesis gene expression in this organism during her postdoctoral research and at Texas A&M.

In the early 1990s she began a collaborative project with C.H. Johnson (Vanderbilt University) and T. Kondo (Nagoya University) that demonstrated circadian rhythms of gene expression in S. elongatus, which is currently the premier model organism for a prokaryotic circadian clock. The molecular basis of timekeeping in S. elongatus is now a major focus of her lab. Susan is a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and an Member of the National Academy of Sciences.

Seminar 14: Cardiometabolic effects of circadian misalignment – Prof Frank Scheer

Frank A.J.L. Scheer, PhD is Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Senior Neuroscientist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), and the Director of the Medical Chronobiology Program at BWH.

Dr. Scheer’s work focuses on the influence of the endogenous circadian system and its disruption—such as with shift work and jet lag—on cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic regulation and disease states, such as hypertension, asthma, obesity and diabetes. This work focuses both on the physiological mechanisms and therapeutic strategies of medical chronobiology.

Dr. Scheer has received numerous scientific awards, including the Young Investigator Award by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the First Place Clinical Research Young Investigator Award from the National Sleep Foundation/Sleep Research Society (combined), and the Neal Miller Award by the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research. Dr. Scheer is a Board Member of the European Society of Biological Rhythms and Member of the Program Committee of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.

seminar 13: Building Circadian Medicine in a Pediatric Hospital – Prof John Hogenesch

Prof dr John Hogenesch began his scientific career as a neuroscientist interested in how genes regulate behavior. A series of inspiring mentors propelled him to pursue those interests across industry and academia. He has since worked with many scientists on projects in plants, flies, zebrafish, mice and people. This work has focused on the function of noncoding RNAs; building a Gene Atlas of the mouse, human and rat transcriptomes; and cell-based screening, among others.

He is particularly interested in genome biology with a focus on the circadian clock. In his lab at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, they work to uncover the mechanisms of the circadian clock and apply that knowledge to medicine. For example, their lab has discovered several core clock genes and proven that they regulate physiology and behavior. This includes his discovery of the transcription factor Bmal1 — the master regulator of the mammalian clock — along with its paralog, Bmal2, and its partner, Npas2. Later, his lab characterized Rora/Rorb/Roc as key regulators of Bmal1 and circadian function. They also discovered Chrono as a non-canonical repressor of Bmal1/Clock, and Kpnb1 as a required transporter of the PER/CRY complex.

Seminar 11 – Seasonal timing – Prof. dr Marcel Visser

prof. dr. Marcel Visser (NIOO-KNAW) is widely recognized as a world-leading expert on the ecological and evolutionary impact of anthropogenic environmental changes. He aims to understand how climate change disrupts natural systems, using long-term studies on wild species. His work on phenological mismatch within food chains has turned his model species, the great tit, into the poster child for climate change impact. In his research he integrates work on epigenetic regulation of gene expression, fitness consequences of timing in the wild, with the impact of climate-change on population numbers.

seminar 10 – Melatonin – dr Marijke Gordijn

Academy Lecture on September 20 (’23) by dr. Marijke Gordijn “Melatonin and melatonin treatments”

seminar 9 – clocks & mental health – dr niki antypa

Academy lecture on June 21 (’23) by dr. Niki Antypa: “Clocks in depression”

seminar 8 – Human rhythms – dr Laura Kervezee

Academy lecture on May 17 (’23) by dr. Laura Kervezee: “Human chronobiology in the lab and in the field: from molecular rhythms to clinical applications”

Seminar 7 – Plant clocks – dr Ellen Cieraad

Academy lecture on April 19 (’23) by dr Ellen Cieraad: “Illuminating disruptors of the plant clock”

Seminar 5 – Brain clock – prof. Andries Kalsbeek

Academy lecture on February 15 (’23) by prof. Andries Kalsbeek, Amsterdam UMC: “The ins and outs of the central brain clock”

Seminar 4 – entrainment by light – prof. Roelof Hut

Academy lecture on January 18 (’23) by prof Roelof Hut, University of Groningen: “Light entrainment of circadian clocks”

Seminar 3 – Molecular clocks – Dr. Ines Chaves

Academy lecture on November 16 (’22) by Dr. Ines Chaves, Erasmus MC: “Molecular Clocks; zooming in on circadian rhythms”

Seminar 2 – Clocks in ecology – Dr. ir. Kamiel Spoelstra

Academy lecture on October 19 (’22) by Dr. ir. K. Spoelstra, NIOO-KNAW: “Clocks in ecology”

Seminar 1 – Central circadian clock – Prof. Johanna Meijer

Academy lecture, on September 21 (’22) by Prof. J.H. Meijer, LUMC: “The neuronal network organization of the central circadian clock”